Adisoke corner view - Albert and Commissionner Street

Be a part of the campaign

Be a part of the campaign

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You hold the key to unlocking the future of the Ottawa Public Library

Today, we’re inviting you to support Ottawa’s continued transformation as a prosperous, creative city, while also empowering individual residents of all ages and backgrounds to reach their potential.

Our ten-million-dollar campaign is now underway to build the library of the future needed today.

An Invitation from The Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin, Honorary Chair of the Unlock Potential Campaign 

Here is how your support will unlock the potential of our new library.

For every $1 invested, the community nets more than $5 in economic value!

Public programming and special community-based projects need your help to improve the quality of life for all everyone in Ottawa.  

Here are some of the programs and services we can develop with your donation: 

  • Social services partnerships

  • Indigenous-focused programming

  • Residency programs

  • Food literacy programming

  • Sensory gardens

  • Donor recognition opportunities

    There are multiple donor recognition opportunities, including name recognition at the Central Library at Ādisōke.

  • More information

    For more information on how you can support Ottawa Public Library and its flagship Central Library, contact our campaign director Michael Poliwoda at 613-218-7154 or