Give a Gift
When you donate to OPL, you’re opening up more books to readers, more access to computers for users, and more opportunities for your neighbours. Together we can build community and transform lives.
Monthly Giving
Giving on a monthly basis is a great way to help plan your support of OPL by spreading it out over the year and gives a OPL reliable source of support with less administration work.
Donate in tribute or memory of someone
Making a tribute gift to OPL is a great way to recognize a milestone, like a birthday, anniversary or graduation, in the life of your favourite reader. Recognize a reader now.
Remember the life of someone special by making a gift in their memory. You can choose to share a message of condolence with family members or friends. Remember a life lived.
Legacy giving / Gift through your will
A gift in your will or a bequest is the simplest way to make a future gift in support of Ottawa Public Library. You can leave a specific sum of money or property or a portion of the residue of your estate.
Suggested wording for your will:
I give the sum of $ _________ (or ______% of the residue of my estate) to Ottawa Public Library, Ottawa ON, [for the purpose of supporting highest priority needs] OR [specify a direction for gift] as determined by its Board of Directors.
Ottawa Public Library
Business No: 861292886RR0001